Terms and conditions of enrolment
Supervision. “Crosswim Social”
I, on behalf of myself and/or as the parent/legal guardian of the participant, understand, agree and acknowledge that CROSSWIM SOCIAL is not a coaching or training lesson and there are no coaches or responsible persons who take a duty-of-care for the minor participant (under 18 years old). I understand, agree and acknowledge that I, on behalf of myself and/or as the parent/legal guardian of the participant take a sole responsibility and have the duty-of-care to the participant. Also, I understand and agree to comply with the facilities, where the CROSSWIM SOCIAL training session takes place, safety rules and procedures.
I, on behalf of myself and/or as the parent/legal guardian of the participant, understand, agree and acknowledge that I have to be at the CROSSWIM SOCIAL training session location if the participant is a minor. The coach/instructor reserves the right to end the training session for that participant if no parent/legal guardian of the participant is present.
Payment of training fees
- All enrolment fees are final and must be paid prior the training commences.
- Enrolment fees are displayed on website www.distinctiontraining.com.au and are subject to change without prior notice but not during the ongoing school term.
- Enrolment fees are paid pro rata on school terms basis. Exceptions apply to school holidays programs where all fees are announced separately. Make up training sessions and refunds are not available until further notice or unless otherwise agreed. Requests for refunds will only be granted if the participant withdraw him/herself from the training completely.
- You can enrol and join the training anytime during a term. In this case, enrolment fee are to be paid pro rata.
- It is your responsibility to inform us about your intention to continue training next term as soon as possible. If you do not enrol and pay enrolment fee early, your place may be taken.
Training cancellation
The training sessions may be cancelled if the training venue is closed for any reason. In this case, the session fee will be credited or refunded. The public holidays are factored into the term fees. The training may be cancelled if the coach is sick and there is no relief coach available. In this case, the session fee will be credited or refunded.
Entry fees
All participants and their parents/legal guardian must pay entry fees to the facilities. The fees are payable to reception and regulated by facility management.
All participant’s personal and medical information is kept confidential. It is necessary to provide these details in case of an emergency situation as your coach/swimming instructor has duty of care. Providing these details may also benefit the participant and a coach during the training sessions.
Photo/video release
I hereby waive any rights to privacy and unconditionally give my permission to allow my likeness, photograph, videos and other forms of media, or that of the participant(s), to appear in any Next Level Swimming Pty Ltd promotional material and literature which may include, but would not be limited to brochures, flyers, press releases, newspapers, television or any other electronic media.